Dear Mousitsa,
If you're a vegetarian who eats at home exclusively,
then I'm surprised you're constipated. Usually, if you
eat mostly living food and drink lots of pure water,
the BMs take care of themselves.
I suspect that a lot of your symptoms are bad spinoffs
of the pharamaceuticals you take. My first suggestion
is that you stop taking all pharamceuticals and over-
the-counter drugs. Most of them have severe side-effects which will cause more serious problems
than they ever correct.
Once your body clears itself of the drug residues, I
think most of your problems will heal themselves.
Large-doses of vitamin C are a big help in that regard.
Your immune system uses the vitamin C as ammunition to
heal those parts of you that need to be healed.
Like Journ, I have no experience with Emergen-C. I
suggest you use sodium ascorbate crystals, and mix them
with juice. They do NOT taste bad.
How much? It depends on how much you weigh. I weigh
140 lbs and I take 14 grams (14,000 mg) of vitamin C
every day; 1 gram for every 10 lbs of body weight.
But don't start taking that much on Day #1. As Journ
said, work up to it. You're taking 3,000 mg now.
Next week, try 5,000 mg. Don't take it all at once.
Space the doses out over the course of the day.
Your body uses up vitamin C quickly.
Do you still eat meat or dairy products? If so, I
advise you to banish them from your eating regimen
(with the exception of an organic yogurt). Don't drink
milk or eat cheese.
Do you take a probiotic? Chances are good that most
of the beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract
are dead or compromised. The anitbiotics in meat and
dairy products kill those good bacteria, as does
chlorinated water. If you drink, swim, or shower in
chlorinated water, that may be why you're constimpated.
I suggest you begin taking a good probiotic like
Jarrow-Dophilus +FOS, or the one sold by Doctor David
Williams. And you may need enzymes, too.
I sense your anger, Mousitsa; anger at all the bad
doctors; anger at your ongoing illnesses. You should
know that anger is perhaps THE most deadly negative
emotion. Anger does more people in than Vioxx. Your
anger doesn't hurt those to whom you direct your anger.
It hurts you. Anger raises your blood pressure, and
does damage to your heart. So try to banish anger
from your life. You might consider saying some positive
affirmations every day. I'm a big believer in them.
Read some of my posts on the affirmations forum here at
CZ. If you talk to your body every day in an upbeat,
positive manner, Mousitsa, your body will soak in the
affection you give it, and respond in kind. There's
nothing airy-fairy about affirmations. Our bodies love
the ATTENTION we give them, and they respond to the
INTENTIONS we ask them to follow.
Last suggestion for now: you mentioned severe joint
pain. I recommend you try Joint Advantage, an herbal
product formulated by Doctor David Williams. I've
used it for 3 years, and the few aches I had in my
knees and shoulders have disappeared completely.
I also use his OsteoBuild Advantage to keep my old
bones strong. Call 1-800-888-1415, and ask for a
copy of the Mountain Home Nutritionals catalog. I also
use his Vision Advantage and his daily multiple, Daily
Good luck with your healing quest, Mousitsa. I will keep you in my prayers.