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maybe some answers in this for you!

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

Parasites and Liver Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

anunnaki Views: 14,182
Published: 21 y
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maybe some answers in this for you!

Vitamin C like all other vitamins can deplete you of another Vitamin/Mineral! You might find its not your body's disliking to Vitamin C but you may have lost something else your hair is relying on. M.S.M is excellent for nails and hair because of the fibrous protein Keratin and also Collagen. M.S.M, Vitamin C and Glucosamine Sulphate all deplete Copper in the body this is known as an antagonist. I take all three in high dosages and therefore have to take some copper now and again. I have noticed the right eye receptors lacking in copper from time to time. Vitamin C also antagonises Manganese, Zinc, Calcium, Estrogen. Do you already from iron overload? If so you shouldn't be on Vitamin C.

Vitamin C SYNERGISTS (Helps etc)

Phosperous, Nickel, Iron, Germanium, adrenals, cobalt
Vitamin B15, Selenium, Coq10, Vitamin E.

Maybe you should look into the antagonists and see if this is where your problem is rooting from. Whenever something happens to you when on a supplement it often worthwhile getting on a search engine like google and searching for your supplement problems and see if your symptoms match.

Also dont take copper and Vitamin C together for the above reasons and also Vitamin C becomes a Pro-oxidiser in the presence of copper i.e the opposition of a free radical scavenger (FREE RADICAL). This sometimes isn't a bad thing especially with Cancer as some people have had better results from occasional copper and vitamin C along with Vitamin K for Cancer. Its like Ozone as that is a form of Free Radical hunting for electrons.

Interesting to know what dosages of Vitamin C, M.S.M your taking exactly. Also hair can be lost when a lack of Oxygen and Blood supply is getting to the skin. This is why some bald people get their hair back within 2 months of using a Violet Ray. People with a genetic hair loss dont but circulation problems will.


Vitamin C like all other vitamins can deplete you of another Vitamin/Mineral! You might find its not your body's disliking to Vitamin C but you may have lost something else your hair is relying on. M.S.M is excellent for nails and hair because of the fibrous protein Keratin and also Collagen. M.S.M, Vitamin C and Glucosamine Sulphate all deplete Copper in the body this is known as an antagonist. I take all three in high dosages and therefore have to take some copper now and again. I have noticed the right eye receptors lacking in copper from time to time. Vitamin C also antagonises Manganese, Zinc, Calcium, Estrogen. Do you already from iron overload? If so you shouldn't be on Vitamin C.

Vitamin C SYNERGISTS (Helps etc)

Phosperous, Nickel, Iron, Germanium, adrenals, cobalt
Vitamin B15, Selenium, Coq10, Vitamin E.

Maybe you should look into the antagonists and see if this is where your problem is rooting from. Whenever something happens to you when on a supplement it often worthwhile getting on a search engine like google and searching for your supplement problems and see if your symptoms match.


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