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Re: Herpes encephalitis?
blackcat Views: 6,737
Published: 19 y
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Re: Herpes encephalitis?

I got HSV-2 in January. I wasn't on anything up until 2 weeks ago I believe and I was getting fever, nausea and headaches regularly. It also felt like there was something at the back of my throat. They took a throat swab to see if its herpes in the back of my throat (get results next week). Thankfully nothing on my face...pretty sure I have HSV-1 so I didn't get anything there when I went down on my gf. After one week of the herpes genital lesions I slurred my speech at work and felt kinda weird. My doctor put me on Valtrex suppresive treatment (1x 500mg daily) and have been fine since. From what I've read Valtrex (valacyclovir) is just a rehash of Zovirax (acyclovir). They just doubled the amount of the pill and added one little thing to its chemical properties. There is currently a human study going on right now looking at Valtrex stopping possible herpes encephalitis.

A CT scan will be able to tell the doctors if your brain is being attacked by a viral infection. I've got my CT scan tomorrow morning. :)

I suggest you talk to your doctor about it. Mention that you are worried that its herpes encephalitis and he'll set up a CT scan for you....maybe even an MRI. Its definately something for you and them to take serious...


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