I had HSV2 at genital for 10 years, and I never had bloodshot eyes nor headaches. However, after I self-infected myself at the mouth, than the viruses got a path to go to my face and brain via my mouth's entry way. And I have bloodshot eyes all the time. So the point is for genital herpes, the viruses normally won't go to the brain. Which body part did you first infected with the HSV1? If one has it in the mouth, nose or face, one has to watch out for Herpes Encephalitis. For those infected at the finger, I don't know anything about it, and have to wait for those infected to tell us if they happened to know.
And this is the reason, I uphold taking valtrex to stop the effect of replication going to the vital organs for those with mouth herpes HSV2 expecially. At one time I was lazy to get up and swallow saliva while I was still sleeping on the bed, then a few seconds later, my esophagus started to have the tingling and later even my heart's arteries. So I jumped up for valtrex to stop the viruses go to the heart.
For Herpes Encephalitis, watch your handwritings, too. One husband noticed the wife's handwritings was so much messier one day, and noticed something wrong with her brain as she was taking drugs to combat cancer. ( Well, I planned to help the American Cancer Society as well, so I am watching on their newsletter. ) This gave me clue that messier handwritings is a sign to watch out for abnormalities in the brain by Herpes Encephalitis, too.