Re: super selenium
i have heard some say not to chelate for a month after. i don't agree. that was not my experience. i took many supplemental chelators immediately after and got better every day. but i only believe in supplements, not drugs, for at least 2 to 4 months (depending on health). i was unlucky enough to get EDTA when i had mercury (10 days of it, along with some other treatments). the dr didn't know any better (it was in 2000, and it was in another country; he was a cancer specialist and he said he could cure my MS). i didn't feel any worse that i noticed, but i didn't feel any better, either. anyway, i chelated 4 months after removal. the day before removal, i was near death, could no longer eat, poisoned 33 yrs, was on my way to buy a gun to die it was so bad. i began supplements the night of removal and could eat anything i wanted. before, it would just come back up. i took everything that chelates mercury, except i did not get around to the chlorophyll or cilantro (although i ate a lot of cilantro). the chlorophyll was expensive (and most has mercury) and the cilantro was too hard to find at the time. i have heard chlorophyll can make you feel ill, as it is pretty powerful.
the tests i would do to see how much mercury i still had is the fractionated porphyrin urine and fecal.
for some interesting info on mercury, Click here