Fear is one of the main factors hindering a bulimic's recovery. I no longer tried to hide the fact that I was bulimic. I didn't tell everybody; I told the people that needed to know (my parents). Actually, my mother found out on her own, but after she found out I didn't lie about it. Unfortunately, I had too close of a relationship with my mother, and she used that as ammunition during our power struggles and ended up telling other people who didn't need to know. But that's a different story, and I won't get into that.
The thing is, you can't beat this on your own. I know. I tried. I tried many times, and I failed many times. Tell your husband. You don't really have to tell your children, but get some help. Start going to therapy. Get some support from people you know and see on a daily basis. I know that telling others may be hard step to take, but it's necessary.
You have to see some benefit to staying sick. You come to a point in your life where the benefit of staying sick is surpassed by the benefit of getting well. Take the step and get help.