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Qns for veteran bulimics...
  Views: 2,163
Published: 18 y

Qns for veteran bulimics...

I have had bulima since I was 16. I have vomited pretty much every day, at least once, for 21 years!! I have a baby now and am desperate to recover from this nightmare. I need to be healthy for my child. With the health risks being what they are, there is a real chance i could die and leave my child without a mother. This thought terrifies me.

I have had mia long enough to know that there is no easy cure. It would be such a help to me to hear of anyone who has had this as long as i have and can offer advice on recovery or just general support. Perhaps Jane Fonda is out there and would like to chat? :)

Could any long term sufferers share with me their health problems or lack of . eg. How are your teeth holding up? Mine are just now starting to have problems with discolouration etc. I would like to know if other bulimics have successfully had veneers and how does bulimia effect them?

I have decided that if i cant beat this i at least need to manage it as healthily as possible.

Is there something sufferers can do to minimise the risk of electrolyte imbalance. Could drinking sports drinks, following a purge, help to replenish lost potassium and sodium? I think doctors/experts should be advising us on how to minimise the health risks. Like what supplements would be most helpful to a chronic bulimic.

My tips:
I know I can suggest to purgers to gargle with bicarb soda before brushing to minimise enamel erosion. Does any body else have any pro-health tips to share? I also recently read about home treatment for swollen salivary glands (cause of puffy cheeks??) which i will clarify and post details later.

More questions.....(prob. best answered by a professional but here goes...)
i would like to maintain my weight without purging. How can you calculate what your calorie intake should be to maintain your current weight? I expect my metabolic rate is far from normal. How do i find out what it is? What is a safe heart rate for exercise, ie what is a red flag for an exercising bulimic?

Any answers to these questions (which i know could help many) or advice on where to get answers is most appreciated. I also welcome emails from long-term sufferers with a positive "I'm going to try to beat this" or "i am not going to let this kill me" attitude :)

Thanks for taking the time to read this and my best wishes to all. May we all find the strength to lead normal, happy, healthy lives!

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