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Wrenn Views: 1,694
Published: 21 y
Status:       R [Message recommended by a moderator!]


there is no Forum leader on this forum.

there is no one "authority " here. (except for moderators )

it is a forum for sharing fasting tips and experiences
and to support each other as you go thru your fasting journey.

in light of this , you are greatly encouraged to take time to consider and weigh choices you make.
so that you get the optimal results you want safely.

some of the basic guidelines for fasting in general are;

break a fast carefully .. general rule of thumb is ..
however long you fasted should take you about 1/4 -1/3 of that time to gradually rewean back to solid food in a progression of food choices.

these normally follow a pattern of.. juice only , followed by light fruit or steamed fruit, then brothes with a few pcs veggies. then starches and veggies.. and lastly proteins.

consider your stomache /like as if a new baby after you fast...
and gradully build up.. to do otherwise may cause your system harm, and also undo the wonderful benefits of your fast...

never drink alcohol on a fast/ and it is advised to also steer away from milk (if you partake of that..)
it is good to avoid dairy in general anyhow
(see )

you are responsible to use common sense.
again i repeat.. no one is a forum leader here.

any indepth health concerns i would suggest you refer
those questions if they come up in your fast to any of our great health educators that have actual schooled training in those areas.

some suggestions would be Ask Ana (who also gives FREE wellness plans specifically geared for your problem /with no product pushing etc.)

, Ask Andreas /Ask Dr.Vinogard,
Ask Dr. Schulze , etc.

these people all have been thru extensive schooling and can give you expert advice from their learned pools of knowledge.

Best to you on the journey into your fasting experience

Ami Joi Benton



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