hey keep me updated!!
i marked that as a web to save.
my finances are limited right now..
but i do want to hear of how it works for you.
my scars are pretty dramatic 8(
and a more than a decade old now..
they are very white. i am almost translucent pale white as it is
and if possible they are even whiter than me lol
and they are very large /very jagged and very long..
(then knife ones)
the burns are large white white and vyer raised.
i would not be adverse to trying the product, but after reading the ingredients it gave me a clue what to try to mix on my own to test.. since i have a mess of oils already here in my little home chem /cosmetics supply stuff 8 smile*
i am ok esteem wise with my scars in general.. they help keep me aware of the realities of life..
they give credulity to any that might doubt my weird story
i am very thankful that even tho i have facial structural changes from injuries/ at least i have no facial scarring per se/
i did go thru 10 years of incredible facial swelling and bruising remnants which i still have some of that i am working on.. so i do know how much facial problems can effect your self confidence etc.. also we see ourselves often much more critically than others do
i truly hope these things work for you and quickly
i know you want spend your school days feelign really super great about your appearance..
and i wish you that with all my heart !!
Ami Joi Benton