may i amke an alterante suggestion?
i wne tot othe web and am no tcomfortabl ewith soem ofhte ingredietn s and not knowledgeabel obout soem others.
goto the beauty forum and looka t a post i di dhtere awhielback organice make up webs.
i woudl sugges ti fyouahve the incoem for it teh saffronrouge /Dr.Haushka line .
i lov ethe lpistick from in teh lipstick not the littel tin round/ tho tha tsutffis great, teh contain er g ets top damged easily
also thei mascara is good/ i ahv ebought amscara for then eccobella oen tho i am learnign hwo to make my own
i relly like the burts bees one.
aroma leigh makes soem veyr nice pigment mica /minerla face makeups.. and aveda products are great/ but you hav eto genrally get mostofhtem at a spa/ bu ti fyou do a we b search youcan fidn the misturiaxer s etc at othe rwebs for sale.
all of htse tha tare on teh web i woudl advise youto read ingreiedn ts close ly.
sicen soem ar eok and soem i woudl not use.
migh i suggest tha tyo ualso spend soem tiem leanrign to amke yourown natural skin lotiosn lot s of great recipes here and herbs and essen tial oils et caare vvyer eay to get .. and then you knwofo rsure wha tyouare gettign cau seyou mad eit to your specifications..
i only have the few makeups i do.. for busy days if i absolutely nee dot go inpublic and i hav enot yet amde a colored mascara on my own..
(leanrign hwo to extract vegeetabl epigment s curently on my own and ocne i so tha ti inten do tnever buy stor ebougth again 8)
also ahs exceleltn face car e producat as as doe