i see that some of the products are great.. but veyr overpriced. 39 $ for a bottle aobut 2
oz of a moisturizer ? that youcanmake on your own...
also i noticed that the lipsticks and face cremes all had uv blockers in them *( the porduct woudlb e grea t i fthey ahd not added those *(
i think youcan get far better deals and better product by /
1/ make your self
2 goto any of th e webs listed in the post i made (goto
beauty forum under all forums /see my post of webs cosmetics...
i will repost it here. in a sec.
also for lipstick i highly recommend www.burtsbees.com
it is what i currently use /it was 9$
when i figure out how to extract my own vegetable pigment si will make my own lipstick/ but for now i find theirs to be really nice and natural also.
you can buy alot of ingedient s and make your own/ so much chaeper.
if youare looking for TOP of hte line www.saffronrouge.com
is far superior to the one you posted.
i knwoyouaske dfo ran opinion so there is mine 8)
again i will repost a few webs youmight check out 8)
again soem are good and some are nto so look at ingredietns
if unsure .. feel free to ask 8)
thie rtooth paste sounded nice.. but agin youcan mixup your own too *) or jstu simply brush with a peppermint essential oil. mixed with a sage or thyme herb and baking soda (again you can make a jar of that on your own for far less than 6 $ for a bittle bottle 8)
or look for any dr. Bronners stuff has been great forever...
www.tropicaltraditions.com / www.javelinacreek.com
are a few higher specialty end places...
and goto teh webs i will post also again i relaly liek burts bees.. bu tdon't get the little tin lip balms.. get the lipstick. or chapped balm in plastic tube.
i hav eused their mascara it is nice np.and thier cheeck creme veyr natural.