Something you could try is to utilize some digestive enzymes. As well, consider a salt water flush to help get things moving. An abdominal massage following the direction of the colon may also be beneficial. Skin brushing too, also in the direction of flow of the colon could help.
It is essential to utilize colonics, especially after a liver flush. Next time;-)
Have you ever read Julia Chang's website at ? I recommend her main preflush protocol (with tinctures) and then into Andreas Moritz 's actual flush. These two protocols married together become an incredible super flush. The only thing I would add to these protocols is to flush in partnership with the moon phases, add a few drops of pure oregano oil to the olive oil used for flushing, and use visualizations and energetic intentions during the flush to release blocked energy at all levels. One could also use homeopath in conjunction with the flush.