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Re: Anyone disagree with Andrew Hall Cutler?
mikeh Views: 3,866
Published: 19 y
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Re: Anyone disagree with Andrew Hall Cutler?

I do think his chelation protocol works and is right for most people.

However, I don't agree completely with everything he says. I think his protocol probably works for most people. But it didn't work well for me.

I've found that in my case:

1. I don't agree with the prescriptions and large doses of supplements that are recommended in the Culter protocol. Prescriptions and mega-dose supplements caused my system much more upset than they helped me. I had to go an "all-natural" approach and use very carefully dosed supplements and herbs with the help of a naturopath. When you liver and kidney detox pathways are "really" screwed up, you have to be extremely careful. My liver enzymes were elevated on several occasions, so finally I quit all prescriptions and most supplements and now the ALT/AST are normal.

2. ALA only worked for a while and I had to resort to another chelation method which I'm currently using to get the rest of the metal out. I think ALA definately works, research shows it does and it helped me for a while. But heavy metals can be in many other areas then the brain and ALA is mainly for mercury. Copper and other metals are in Amalgam and in my case, my body basically accumulated many different metals.

3. Culter's protocol and most of the other protocols don't address heavy metals in the skin from cosmetics, detergents, chemicals and other sources. To get my body back on track I've had to do extensive saunas, clay pack detoxification, and exfoilation of the skin. Culter does metion saunas in his book I believe.

That being said, I think his protocol is great and probably works for most people. But in extreme cases of sensitivity like mine, a much more gentle and natural approached is probably better.



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