Re: Frustrated, does natural medicine REALLY work?
There are many aspects to alternative health that can make it very confusing to a person first entering into this world. Many, if not most, supplements are stillk based on an allopathic model of health as opposed to getting to the core and adjusting the biological terrain to allow the body to do it's own healing. Any other approach is like trying to place a bandaid over top a hole in a dam.
Poor physical health is based on toxicity (which also leads to lack of flow) and lack of proper nutrition (especially bioavailable minerals). The healing path must address these parameters to allow the body to come back to balance.
That said, whatht are you doing, taking etc at this moment in time to rebalance your health. Outline your diet, your environmnet, stress related to work, and relationships, etc. What symptoms led you to where you are currently at(doing the cleanse kit)?
It would be very helpful if you could understand what brings about real health? By even considering antidepressents, I think you would benefit form an immersion in reading as much as you can on what cosntttitutes true health. it always starts with the mind first then branches out into emmotional and physical areas. Spiritual is actually first as it flows through the mental area. These "filters" must be realigned so that coherency and balance downstream (physical and emotional health) can occur.