Re: HELp CYST!!!!!!!!!!!!
A grocery store of possibilities could help but I would start with the
Water Cure .
Drink 6-8 glasses of distilled water every day with a pinch of unrefined
Sea Salt . This will increase your bowel movements and help move toxins more quickly out of your body.
I would also mix up some coconut oil and apple cider vinegar then apply it directly on the cyst.
The next thing I would do to get rid of any bad flora that may be causing a toxic reaction in your gut: I would drink a cup of juice 1/2 apple juice/ 1/2 Tart Cherry juice with a tablespoon of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar, add a dash of cinnamon and cayenne plus turmeric three times a day. This will correct an acidic pH imbalance that may be causing you to have a cyst.
Get some cheap pH strips from a pool supply house to test your urine to see if you are acidic then test after each week.
You might consider taking vitamin c, zinc, and magnesium daily.
MSM is an anti-inflamatory that I would take.
I would also consider eating a little cilantro pesto every day for moving any heavy metals that might be causing your body to create a cyst. I would take potassium
Iodide while eating Owen's Cilantro Pesto Recipe:
Eating a litlle pascalite clay evvery day could also get rid of some heavy metals that might be causing toxic skin/blood reactions.
Eliminate all refined sugar, dairy, pasta, and white bread from your diet. If you eat meat, eat only one portion a day(preferebly fish) the size of your hand.
Eat walnuts and almonds every day. Make sure to chew until they are liquid.
Juice veggies, eat them raw, find a way to get as many good veggies in your body as possible. Broccoli in particular.
Juice apples, pears, and peaches for pectins. I would also pick up the supplement apple pectin.
I better stop before my list runs off of the page.
Do what works and skip the rest.