Molly, you RULE!!!
First off, let me say that I always enjoy reading your posts. You are always upbeat, helpful, funny as hell and you possess an encyclopaedic knowledge of the lyrics of just about every pop song ever written!
I find it difficult to associate my perception of you with the reality of what you have suffered. I don't know diddly about costochondroitis. It sounds absolutely horrible. It sounds like it impacted your life greatly. Painful to move? Oh honey, my heart goes out to you.
You did not give up or give in. You have taken control of your health, your life. You are coming into your real power now.
Ignore those idiots. They're sheep. Wow, that was a little harsh. They're "misguided". Ah hell, Let's face it. They're BLIND! & WILLFULLY SO!
Anyway, Miss Molly, I think yer real cool...
Now, sing with me...
"Up, up & away in my beautiful balloon..."