Re: Had fillings today, old amalgam fillings removed.
How many
Amalgam fillings do you have? And at what age did you get them?
I had
Amalgams at a very early age, and I grew up with the symptoms of mercury but I thought that was how life was. I thought that was normal, that constant low grade depression, brain fog, balance problems, etc... was just life. I didn't know any better. I am in my 30's now and I can't describe the rage I have for the "professionals" who knew about mercury, did not reveal that it was in amalgams, and allowed mercury to be put in my mouth.
I get the same symptoms that you have if I chew gum, eat "mercury risk" seafood, or eat lots of cilantro - all are associated with elevated mercury exposure.
One mercury filling is too many. Think about this - drilling out an
Amalgam can expose you to dangerous levels of mercury, right? It happened to you. Would you rather have that same mercury leach out of that filling over decades, causing constant low grade brain dysfunction over decades? It's like, would you rather have a bad flu for a week or a light cold for a year? Constant long term low grade
Depression is called Dysthymia:
Dysthymia is like keeping the fillings in your mouth. Mercury can also happen to cause dysthymia. Dysthymia can do more damage than a short term bout of severe suicidal depression. Why? it lasts a long time and can change your life in many ways that are often not obvious or apparent, so often the person doesn't seek help or even know that he/she should feel better. If mercury fillings damaged 10% of your brain synapses or caused you to loose 10% of your life experience, how would you even know if you had those fillings placed when you were a child and that 90% is all you have ever experienced? You think life is lived at 90% because you never experienced or remember life at 100%. Imagine the long term consequences of losing 10% of your ability to live life. Short term, not a huge deal. Long term, your life will change. Mercury WILL change you, your relationships, your ability to deal with what life throws at you. Like the persistent weed that can break concrete over time, mercury can break you in very insidious ways over long periods of exposure. You will be at a disadvantage compared to those in life who are not exposed to mercury.