I know it sounds off the wall, however this is for my dog. The vet is currently using Carravet Acemannan Immunostimulant Injection - it's a powder containing 20 mg Acemannan (Aloe Vera) which is dissolved in 20 ml of distilled water (/w 0.9% salt).
I was checking to see whether there's an alternative and my ex-boss in Germany knows someone who gets the 100% pure Aloe Vera Juice injected, however it is made injectable locally. We need to find out how to make it injectable. Thus my question. We have already asked the lady to give us the formula, however her doctor might not give up the information for fear of losing her as a patient. That is why I am also asking on this forum. Additionally I am checking with my MD friend.
Anyway, I would try it on myself in a small amount before doing anything to Lucky. I always check all medications she gets on myself to make sure that they do not do harm and to get a feel for the reaction she might be going through.
Reason I want to get away from the Acemannan Immunostimulant that my vet gives Lucky is that it is so darned expensive and I will need to continue long term with this.