Re: Okay, here's what I promise
You bet, White Tiger!
I've seen where you mention it twice in recent days, with two or three other supplements. It caught my attention then, the way you spoke of it.
'Lorenzo's Oil' has been coming to my mind. :)
My questions would be price and availability (we are Canadian pensioners); and, if there is a source in Nature.
Please give me links to where you describe it, won't you? No need to repeat yourself.
How's it working for people you know?
I've been starting the apples, Apple Cider Vinegar thingy, and I do wonder about the sweetness of the apples. Although I take in both good and bad sugars/starches once in a while. (Still walking the middle line. :( ) And it's been strawberry/cherry season - fresh - raw - unadorned - from a garden that hasn't been sprayed for years, if ever! And our own peas! Ambrosia!
I'm going for another magnesium than the oxide I've been using sparingly for years, on the suggestion of another CureZone regular.
And I see that the new bag of
Epsom Salts at our house is marked Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate. Do you see any obstacles there?
Do you know - we have photographs in this room, a serene white tiger by my husband's chair, and a momma giraffe planting a kiss on the head of her newborn, by my computer. Beautiful children and grandbabies, too.
Keeps me happy.