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Re: My Story So Far
mikeh Views: 2,521
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 35,980

Re: My Story So Far

You've probably got a major immune system reaction going on. I don't want to tell you to take anything particular, but it sounds a lot like my situation was before I got my Amalgams out and for a bit after.

But the thyroid may be involved too, that causes swelling behind the eyes and in the neck.

I had simular symtoms and I think is was the metals and mercury in my neck, thyroid, and mouth from the Amalgams, in my sinus and eyes from the themerisol they used to put in contact lense solution ( which I used un-knowingly for years ).

I had more pain in the neck then swelling, but behind the jaws and below the ears, I used to get really swollen, as well as eyes and in the head.

I suggest you find a good holestic doctor or naturopath and get on a chelation program.

Your probably going to need supplements and chelation to get better. Especially something to support the adrenals/thyroid and other endrocrine glands.

I tried a bunch of things, but until I got on a good chelation program and saw a naturopath and got some excellent supplements, my progress was slow. NAET also helped, but not as much as chelation and supplements.

Normal people and allopathic doctors DO NOT HAVE A CLUE how bad or weird it can get. So try to find someone that understands the problem and can help you.




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