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Re: IF you insist
risingsun Views: 2,411
Published: 19 y
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Re: IF you insist


You have expressed beautifully what I could not say. As a personal statement though, I have a 22 month old child that has never had milk per sey and has only had a runny nose a few days in her whole life. I attribute this good fortune to not giving her millions of mucous cells every day in the form of formula or pure milk. That said, occasionally I have let her have food with cheese and ice cream. A couple of weeks ago, I purchased a baked potato at a place that microwaved the potato with cheese on it. Microwaving is bad enough but I had spent the money and I ate it anyway. My daughter balked at the food but I insisted and she did manage to swallow a few bites. The next day she had a runny nose after almost 18 months without one.

The reason why children drink cow's milk has always been for convenience sake. It tastes good to children. We start giving it to children before they even know how to say no for themselves. It is the same for vaccines. By the time a child is 5 year old in the United States they have been given 22 vaccinations. I wonder how many vaccinations an old dairy cow has had? I believe obesity can be tied directly to how much dairy one consumes or consumed as a child. I know there are plenty of people who no longer drink dairy who are obese and this is just my intuition but I believe that milk creates a cycle of addiction to chemicals(ie through food) that are toxic to one's body. The cycle starts by milk creating an allergic response then the only thing that makes the body feel better is more of the same this case milk... The cycle continues but sets a strong prescedent for future life choices. I wonder if there is a study tying alcoholism to drinking cow's milk as an infant...

All that said, if a parent gives a child any kind of food, it should be served with love and grattitude. I still eat ice cream once in a blue moon and let my child have some too... I am not the Anti-Milk Saint de la CureZone but I know what I know and to me, I believe eliminating administering milk, dairy, and vaccinations to a child's body, a parent would be giving their child the biggest favor a parent could give their child as far as their physical health is concerned. The second but not least gift to give their child is and grattitude. I know a lot of parents who give their children dairy love their children but once you know the does one... knowing the effects of milk... continue to give their child...milk?

I believe the difference between baby cows that die from drinking pastuerized milk and human babies is that spiritual things can overcome physical hardship through love and grattitude. Maybe this is why we are still alive after drinking milk all of our lives but to continue on drinking milk after knowing the toxic truth is error. I am so blessed to have been given a child in my later years. I once went along with what everyone else did... I was like that cow going to slaughter and taking my calves along with me... but no more... Thank you Ami... You are my hero.



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