19 y
Re: An addition:
I was not witness to these tests, of course, thus I can only pass on the information I have studied. I can only assume that the human infant is far more adaptable than any calf, although the reasons as to why I cannot be sure of.
Tests were also carried out on rats, who were fed only grains and soon perished; and similarly, animals who fed off a diet of raw meat quickly deteriorated when fed only cooked meats.
The first seven years of life are of the utmost importance to the developing human, so the first few months must be considered a concentrated period in which to ensure your child receives perfect sustenance.
I have witnessed my own nephew, who is but ten months old, vomit pure mucous after a protracted "cold," hence my distaste for unnatural feeding ("formula") may be more than apparent.
I shall search for more information on the tests in question and post my findings, should I manage to uncover what some would prefer to conceal.
I am sorry I could not be more helpful.