Re: why do i feel this way?
I think you should go slow with the detoxifying. Something is telling me that we all must take it nice and easy in the chelating process.
I would get your potassium and mangesium from fruits and vegetables rich in this. Dont eat potato chips though the label says it has alot of potassium-- much of it is ruined in frying.
Try to eat your veggies or fruits lightly steamed when necessary, and otherwise raw.
I still feel though, that you would benefit from at least Algin supplements. It does really mop up the mercury in the body. I would stay away from Chlorella for now. Many people who were chelating mercury out over at had alot of releif from chelating symptoms by taking Algin with everything.
Maybe just research what whole foods contain the most manganese, mangesium, etc., and eat these if your'e tired of all the supplmenents. I do think supplements will help, and would hate to see you stop taking them if they are from natural sources (non-synthetic) but if you get enough raw nuts (Brazil Nuts, Raw Almonds, walnuts,etc) and raw fruits and vegetables daily, and omit all commercial prepared foods or boxed products-- eating whole foods, you may not need the supplements. Supplements are good though, when the body is under assault from things like Mercury.
Even though the fillings are out, the body doenst know how to deal with the mercury lodged in the tissues from when those fillings were vaporizing mercury in your mouth.
Just hydrate yourself daily with filtered water, and no sodas or coffee or black tea. Only herbal teas or fresh home-made sqeezed juices- and gently slowly chelate. Getting our mercury out that is lodged in our bodies may take years-- too many of us want instant cleansing, and want it out by a few months.
Algin is probably the main supplement I'd spend money on- if you were sick of taking supplements.
God Bless