hi, from also reading on chelating, what you are taking sounds very good- except if you are taking that DMSA- i'd be careful with that. From what I read from other's experience- some of the chelating things like Cilantro, Alpha Lipoic Acid,etc., are best taken months after all the fillings are out- and not even before 3 months after all the fillings are removed.
I have read on the herballure forum that chelating will cause you to go through a sort of roller coaster ride. This is something Im not looking forward to but realize I have to go through it as well when I start chelating after my last filling is removed in September.
What I have discovered over at the
http://www.herballure.com forum is that ALGIN supplements taken along with the chelating substances the Huggins program advizes will greatly lessen your bad side effects you are experiencing.
Algin (derived from a certain seaweed) actually is way better than Chlorella (which gives many people bad side effects) and it mops up mercury that the other chelators drag all over your body- causing all the symptoms.
It absorbs the mercury "spills" in your body from these chelators and pushes it out into your urine or bowel movements. They said it is wise to take Algin with raw fruit juices every day-- while chelating so there is enough liquids for it to do it's work.
There are two websites that sell it- i cant find Algin in the local healthfood stores around here. One site I found sells it combined with other items. Herb Allure sells it on thier catalog page- and theirs is pure Algin. You get 100 capsules in a bottle, and it is reasonable. At the time I purchased it a few months ago, If you buy $40.00 worth of stuff from thier site, you get free shipping and they knock the prices down. So it ended up that i only paid like $11.99 a bottle.
Do a Google.com search to see if any other sites are selling it.
I've been taking it -- along with using my foot detox pads-- before and after every dental visit Im going to to get my fillings replaced.
Today I am getting two more metal fillings out and replaced with composites. September 1st is my last appointment when I finaly will be having my last two remaining fillings replaced.
In May 12th, I started with 8 metal fillings, but couldnt afford to go to a holistic dentist, or to get them out all at once. So, doing this has been more affordable with me, and by following the proper protocols mentioned in Hal Huggin's book (Its all in Your Head), and by other tips from Curezone members here, i've been having very minimal side effects if any after each dental visit.
Algin may be partly responsibl for assisting with that!-- of course i am praying before each dental visit!
Hang in there!