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Signs of success?
  Views: 1,536
Published: 19 y

Signs of success?

How do we know where to begin improving our overall health? And whether or not we have been doing the best procedures for our particular conditions?

I am confused by the bowel - parasite - kidney - liver cleanses, because none ever seem to be 'finished'; the most obvious symptoms (like an enlarged abdomen, and life-long tinnitus) aren't alleviated; and because other, more severe, symptoms appear. (I'm referring to a sudden onset of painfully swollen external female genitals, and liver/gallbladder area pain when I KNOW the gallbladder was very nearly emptied of stones. I've had these two conditions for months despite liberal use of lemon juice/radishes, olive oil and other wholesome foods.)

I believe I understand the concepts of 'cleansing effects' and 'layers' , and I recognize my own preference for moderation, even while completely eliminating many undesirable products and instituting better protocols.

It seems my efforts only bring my health to crises which then call for more extreme measures. But which of the many 'products' with 'secret' ingredients should I choose? It's all very depressing and saps my resolve.

Is there a time when a seeker finds encouraging improvement and success?

I'm beginning to think it's unwise to view oneself as 'toxic' and 'unclean'.

If I'm still breathing, then there must be more that is working well than not. Right?

A little incentive would be nice.

How are you doing?



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