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Checking in, 35048
fledgling Views: 1,196
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 358,872

Checking in, 35048

...Just so you know I haven't forgotten.

Your kind posts were exactly what I needed.

And your suggestions were right on...

"First of all,I suggest you eliminate nightshades for 10 days, and see what happens. It is not wise to eat a lot of potatoes since you know you have some intolerance there, your bloating might have much to do with this.

Then I auggest you go about 50% raw and explore new recipes, you will find some totally decadent raw dessert that will satisfy your craving for sweets. I am sure that you will easily discard those store bought pies.

Here's a link:

Greetings and good luck!"
[End quote]

I wish I could say that I have begun, but there are a couple of other things I must do first.

I'm doing them, and I've had one amazing success that I didn't foresee.

Thank you again for your encouragement and suggestions, 35048.

I'll post again soon, with more progress to report.



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