Re: Zinc
I wouldnt advise to take copper with zinc.. if you dont have enough zinc..than you are alrady high in copper..taking copper will further reduce the amount of zinc your body will take...
Are you Pyroluric? If so you need the B6 as well... I would test for that too....
The megafoods is a vitamin that is grown on food...making it more like food and thus easier for your body to absorb. I have taken it..and I think it is o.k I still prefer zinc picolinate in capsules, because they break down much more easily...
You will also want to consider the food you eat... Tofu or any soy will block your absorbtion or zinc, so stay away from it. Also Wheat and other grains can pull the zinc out as well... Meat on the other hand is an amazing source of Zinc and should be eaten without dairy but with tons of veggies...
Chocolate and most nuts and beans are very high in copper..which again will minimize your zinc be careful..
A great book to consider is "Why Am I Always So Tired" by
Ann Louise Gittleman .. It is about copper toxicity...but the whole thing is about getting those zinc levels up...