Re: X ray dANGERS - homeopathic nosodes
if you were to go to the right kind of homeopath (not a classical homeopath) you could get a homeopathic remedy for 'xrays.' homeopathic remedies like this, that contain bits of the pollutant, are called 'nosodes.'
ok, here's the official definition of a nosode - "The Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States defines a nosode as "homeopathic attenuations of: pathological organs or tissues; causative agents such as bacteria, fungi, ova, parasites, virus particles, and yeast; disease products; excretions or secretions."
nosodes work by getting the body to balance whatever is taken in the remedy - eg. if someone with a lyme infection took a nosode of the lyme bacteria, that would help the body balance out the lyme - get rid of it. same thing with a nosode of xray's - it would help the body kick out any radiation. they're out there on the web. if someone that needed more magnesium, say, took a nosode of magnesium, that would encourage the body to balance magnesium - by taking more in.
even with the no lead thing (which is just unbelievably rude! i agree with Ev - that's worthy of a
Big Fat complaint) i wouldn't think your daughter got enough exposure to do this... now a cat scan - that would be a different story.