are probably in water washing stuff
or always being washed after diaper changes.
water on skin can be very dehyrating,
not to count the numerous times per day
you are using a soap type product.
cheap way out?
buy at store some glycerine,
a bottle might cost you about 3$
and warm up some olive oil, warm !!not hot hot
say about , hmmm
maybe 2 table spoons oil ?
then add to oil while warm ,
2-3 table spoons glycerin
and 5-6 table spoons water.
if you have a nice oil fragrance you like ,
might add it as well ..
I like geranium oil and rosewood myself.
(just a couple drops will do )
mix this well in a small bowl,
and then pour into a bottle (glass preferable)
shake it hard. before using each time,
and rub on skin as often as you can,
the glycerin and water will make it seem a bit runny
that is ok ..
give it time to soak in and the oil
will help keep a barrier there
to hold the moisture in,
you can buy glycerin in the pharmaceticals dept at kmart
near the health oils section...
or order some of these things from
I could suggest to you some adding of hydrous lanolin
to the mix while the oil is still warm
and even jojoba and vit e oil
a nice small bit of kaolin clay or even beeswax
with warmed oils, would make it more like a salve..
as would aloe vera gel
( which you should always keep in fridge)
at night smooth in olive oil and slip hands into a sock
(if you don't have gloves.)
this would help as well.
cucumber and marshmallow root
are both are very moisturising
and soothing.
best way to use marshmallow root=
steep finely chopped root in cold water
leave sit until it becomes gelatinous.
sieve thru muslin.
add to lotions, cremes, cleaners, etc.
do same with fresh cucumber.
anyhow 8)
that reminds me
I need to makeup a good hand gel again myself soon,
since winter time is upon us setting in fast.
Oh hey too !!
try to rub some oatmeal water into your hands!
make a small bit of oatmeal, and add a bit of water
put in fridge,
several times a day lightly rub it into hands,
let dry and rub off any flakes.
eventually they will get softer and softer,
or at least stop being so dry .
recheck what dish or hand soap you are using.
try using a castile, oatmeal or glycerine one on hands.
I remember back about 25 years ago
I used to rub the oatmeal mix into my face in am and pm,
and my face was as soft as butter
as far as your baby nutritionally
I would avoid the animal proteins and esp milk !
milk and dairy actually leech calcium out
not to count the pus levels and hormones and
in dairy.
and you can get natural calcium from many vegetable..
I have a nice
juicing recipe mixes which each glass
gives as much calcium in milk, but is from veggies
and even have a fruit one.
(think that is in my qi chi pig blog)
here are 4 from jl hufford... each recipe equals a glass
that has as much calcium as a glass of milk ,
but is better absorbable
and does not leech calcium out from bones
(as does milk )
Juice 1:
6 Carrots
4 Kale Leaves
4 Sprigs Parsley
1/2 Apple
juice 2: (my favorite) for calcium
oz Apple
oz Grape
oz Lemon
juice 3:
4 oz Broccoli
9 oz Carrots
3 oz Celery
juice 4:
7 oz Carrots
6 oz Apple
(Add) 3 oz Parsley, Kale OR Spinach
we need so little of protein period,
and a high protein diet can be extremely toxic
you said you use flaxseed?
I grind mine in a very small coffee grinder,
and then keep it in fridge and shake it on everything,
make red lentil soup with veggies
and blend or mash lightly .
is a nice way to get protein.
A young child (as you are learning)
will go thru growth spurts,
some times they look a bit pudgy ,
then they shoot up and look skinny lol !
sometimes they seem to barely eat and others ravenous!
this is normal !!
don't let anyone tell you it is not!
btw remember it is YOUR child!
don't give away your power
as to how to feed or care for your child,
cause someone is trying to *control *
what kind of mother are you ? type head trip !
your inner heart alone knows what is best,
your innate mother instincts will come thru,
you will make many mistakes but so what?
all that matters is that your baby will still flourish
with love love love.
you have never been a mother before,
so every thing you do is special between you and your child,
mistakes and all /
cut yourself slake!
don't even try to keep up super clean appearances,
if it detracts from attention to your child.
you got to rest too !
so what if clothes sit on couch clean
and needing to be folded?
most other young mothers will understand,
and if other clean fiends make a comment ,
learn to say well , I have had a busy day ,
but feel free to fold them,
I sure could use the extra hand ,lol !
that will hush them up fast.
and if have dishes to do ,
say hey, feel free to do those too.
NEVER let anyone say , oh I will watch your baby
so you can catch up on house chores !
you are the mother , not a maid!
say if you really want to help ,
I need to get some quiet time and take a nap with baby,
i would appreciate any cleaning help tho anytime.
save the *I will watch baby times*
for when you want to go soak
in a tub without being disturbed 8)
this would be an excellent time to let your mom
have private time with your child btw,
and help her feel she is sharing in caring.
remember too in kindness
that your mom is probably wanting to feel needed,
and wanting to be recognised in some way ,
so don't reactive defensively too strongly to her,
some things just smile and say,
I know you love my child as much as I do,
and I really appreciate knowing that
then let the subject drop .
If she presses it.
say something like..
yes I will make mistakes as did you ,
but let them be MY mistakes *)
I am having fun, learning with my child,
you will never meet everyones approval .
the only approval you need is from your own heart,
and the love you see
in your babies eyes,
knowing how much you love your child.
there is no living thing that failed to flourish
when love was in abundance.
you are doing great, young mother!!
It is my hope that you will have nothing
but joy and happiness and security
in the raising of your child,
sorry i get babbling so lengthily sometimes
Ami Joi Benton