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Re: Why animal protein is bad for human beings.
  Views: 2,105
Published: 20 y
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Re: Why animal protein is bad for human beings.

Thanks Owen for the thoughtful response. A lot of what you say makes sense to me. You led me to some more questions also which is good! Thanks.

(All of the foreign chemicals and additives in meat aside, lets just suppose we could get 100% pure animal protein for simplicity)

Do any of the negative things about meat also apply to vegetable protein? Wouldn't vegetable/yeast protein cause the same problems as animal protein rotting in the human's long intestines? Wouldn't some veg protein also be left undigested and start rotting?

For the "too much protein" problem, does this apply to vegetable protein too?

No matter how much veggies I eat, if I don't eat some kind of animal protein I feel weak and brain fogged.


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