Re: chaz-just one more please
Chaz a roo!!
Can't tell you how much I appreciate your info. Comes at a great time when I am/was a little down.
Is the whole emotional rollercoaster just part of all this?
Having a bm or 2 daily so is that a good sign that the plumbing is not too clogged?
No more herx flat on my back. Have had more energy the last few other than yesterday-I overdid it the day before when finally had a few days of energy back. Lower back is a little achey.
You mean more flax if still palpitating?
Fats. I am taking ortho omega, and evening primrose in addition to raw eggs and olive oil. I also eat raw nuts and nut butters. Good?
What happens with consumption of cocktail.( In a nutshell-I understand it a bit.) Is this a bowel helper or where?
Full tilt veegun boogie! Cool! Are you except for eggs? Any meat? Cool descript.
Oh, last one- Is chlorella a good thing. I have seen discussion saying algin is better. Any thoughts?
Thanks again.