I am taking magnesium powder. Seems like the last 3 times I have -about 20 minutes after- I have some sort of palpitation or missed beat in an otherwise quiet day of no palps at all. My palps aren't severe. Just one or two a day and maybe none for a week or two. I have had a tachy run around a minute long once and irregular beats for a minute or two before. Doc always say they are like anxiety caused. I am not at all an anxious personality. Could the magnesium powder cause odd beats? Is it coincidental? I have had them four these past 4 years off and on. Magnesium powder is only a month and a half new to my system.
I take vit c powder -1 teasp every morning. How much are you reccomending?
Epsom Salts mess with the heart or magnesium electrolyte balance?
Doc felt like we needed to begin treatment with
Amalgams in to strengthen me a bit before taking out
Amalgams and spilling more into my system and pushing me over the edge that way. Do you agree with that or not?
What did you mean referring to the cleanses, "if that's not too intense?"
I have not done any cleanses. Am a little nervous about that area. How do you do the first one? The bowel cleanse?
thanks again