Re: Owen - re: apple pectin
Dear 44365,
Your son may well have some heavy metals in his
system. Most Americans do.
Here are some things that I have done over the years,
to protect myself. Don't feel overwhelmed. Make
changes as you are able to, and as your intuition
suggests to you are the right ones.
1) Drink distilled water, preferably that you distll
yourself. And drink lots of it. Pure water will flush
out toxins better than anything else. Dehydration is
a major health problem in America and the world.
2) Don't use aluminum or teflon cookware. Aluminum
leaches from the cookware, goes into the food, and then
into your body. The less cooking you do, the better
your health will be.
3) Try to eat 75 percent living foods, preferably
organic. Don't let your son drink any milk, or eat
any cheeses. They're loaded with
Antibiotics and other
chemicals. Organic yogurt is the best dairy product.
4) Read the post directly below (my response to Sunne about cilantro), and make up a batch of the cilantro
pesto. It's not only delicious, it's a wonderful chelating agent. Your son will enjoy it.
5) Both of you should eat some raw garlic and raw
onions every day. There's raw garlic in the pesto.
But you can also dice up a clove, and add it to your
salad at night. Or you crunch up 8 almonds, add the
diced garlic to the almonds in your mouth, chew and
swallow. That usually eliminates the garlic-bite.
Onions also have a bite -- but NOT if you dice them
up and put the diced parts in pure water for 1 hour.
After you dry them, you'll find that most of the bite
is gone -- but the nutrients are still there. Garlic
and onions are superb foods for your entire body,
but especially if you're chelating heavy metals.
It's important to try and get organic onions and
garlic. Why? Because they grow underground, where the
pesticides collect in puddles. Foods which grow under
the ground are never washed by the rains. Such foods
are much more likely to be heavily contaminated.
6) Buy a juicer, and juice some fresh fruit or veggies
for your son, at least several times a week.
7) Continue eating at least one apple a day, every day.
I've been eating an organic apple just before bedtime
for almost 30 years. My body uses the pectin during
the 8 hours of sleep-time, to cleanse and heal my
8) Go to the vitamin C forum, and do some reading.
I've been taking mega-doses of vitamin C for almost
3 decades. There is nothing better for your immune
system that largish doses of vitamin C. I take 14
grams every day, and I'm in perfect health at 64.
I could go on, but it would tun into a book. I hope
some of these suggestions resonate with you. I will
keep you and your son in my prayers.