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Re: no detox

Lose Weight Naturally
With a 9 day detox

Lose Weight Naturally
With a 9 day detox

historicalfashions Views: 3,306
Published: 20 y
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Re: no detox

From what I understand, when the mercury crosses the brain barrier as methyl mercury (100 times more toxic than mercury) and then turns back to mercury, that the brain barrier holds it in, and that is why we see conditions like Alzheimer and parkasins, the brain cannot detox itself except if you fast, I would say your condition stems from the brain.

I have heard of people recovering from Alzheimer using MSM and taking hot sweat baths with something in the water (they used bleach) to cling on to the toxins when excreted so they do not reabsorb, in this case recovery was fast!

To take an effective sweat bath you must work up a good sweat, to do this I drink 1-2 cups of the hottest yarrow tea I can stand as recommenced by Dr. Christopher in "The school of natural healing" and bath in the hottest water I can stand for 1 hour. By this time I am sweating really good! I would use apple cider vinegar or Epsom Salts in the bath if desired, to hold onto the excretions.

The infra red saunas are wonderful for this. As said by another poster they penetrate upto 2 inches deep and pull out toxins deep in the tissues.

A normal sauna does not work the same and although the Christian Science people use them for there drug detox program, they have people stay in it for upto 6 hours (according to there book) for the same effect.
As apposed to a normal sauna the heat is gentle, when I am in my IRS I do not feel the hot overwhelming feeling of a normal sauna, and all of a sudden I am surprised that I am sweating so much as I do not feel very hot, the key is the sweating!!!!!!

My husband built our IRS a few years ago from some instructions I found written by a doctor who wanted all his patient to be able to afford one.
They were free on the web. I think we spent $150 to build it.
You use the red IR bulbs you can by at a hardware store the kind they use to keep food warm at restaurants.
Also it is wonderful for pain there is lots of research out on this, and some are selling hand units for this purpose!

I just had my dental clean-up done last Sat. at Dr. Morales office and I went straight on the orange juice fast as described by MH (he has a forum here on curezone) you can check him out at
your condition may aslo be a acid body problem, fasting is said to drain all the acid as well as years of stored chemicals and diseases from the body. This fast is the most effective one I could find as well as being very safe as apposed to water fasting, it gives the body the things it needs to rebuild.
If you really want to be free of mercury check it out!
A big plus I have only been on the fast 5/24 hour days and have lost 9 pounds!
Also because of the Oj after the first three days I not longer get hunger pangs and cravings from fasting, its very doable.

Well I hope this will be of help to you, I am trying to get past this horrible time just like everyone else! I am so grateful we have curezone to come talk about these things!


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