Re: no detox
Others will no doubt have experience and or an opinion in answering your question; mine is - maybe.
Just to be sure we are on the 'same page of the play book', when people on this forum say that they are "de-toxing", what they generally mean is that they are intentionally taking steps to assist and help their body in it's constant detox process.
One thing to be aware of regarding the term "detox" - your body is, by it's natural design, constantly trying to detox itself/yourself regardless of whether you are actually taking steps to help it, like cleansing / flushing. Another thing to be aware of, most of us have been conditioned over our lifetime's to routinely take steps, often unknowingly, to hinder the body's natural healing capabilities. For example, short of living in a bubble, if you breath, and drink, and eat from the same public supply of air, food and water that most others do, you have and are continuing to be contaminated in numerous and mostly invisible ways, all of which have an impact - sometimes visible, many times not - on your overall health.
There are many who've posted at various places on CureZone that once all
Amalgams have been removed, the human body, if left to it's own devices, will eventually, gradually, remove (detox)itself of substances like mercury. If one then supplements these natural processes with the effort of Chelation, the resultant speed / rate which the body detoxes itself is improved, although it is somewhat of a debate as to how much it's improvied but I've seen consistent posts that Chelation may increase the rate anywhere from 5% to 15%, give or take. There is another unspoken here, this being, the healthier one is to begin with, the easier it is for their body to gradually remove and expel whatever toxins it may contain. This is a principal reason why many of us are here sharing on the forums, learning, questioniong, and posting of the beneficial experiences as well as potential hazards in the wide and increasing spectrum of natural drug-free homeopathic health methods.
However, no matter how good one believes their health and habits are, as long as big corporate government and all it's shady manifestations in commerce, medicine, education and law are in authority, there is virtually no escaping the aforementioned environmental exposures remain an everpresent influence on one's health.
So to answer your question, now that your
Amalgams are all removed, if you do nothing else, will your body eventually clean itself? Best answer is probably somewhere between maybe / proably, the actual degree to which you may experience this dependent on your current and total condition of health.
Good luck!