i defer to the experts in this area for treatment, but i would like to comment on what you said about the quick diagnosis.
stay away from the whitecoats! it is not paranoia if they really are out to get you. a diagnosis such as this is designed to have a nacebo effect and as a mind control technique to get your mom to agree to the most egregious treatments out of fear. this means big bucks for them and almost sure death at their hands.
i understand this area of the body is painful as well. i have found great pain control in enhanced calcium absorption through the diet. complete hydration is also key to pain control. work diligintly and methodically and you should have good results. i am pulling for your mum. the whitecoats got mine four years ago. they saw a do not resucitate order as a license to kill and then proceded forthwith. dont take your eyes off of her and question everything in the event she ends up in their hands, which i hope for you and her she doesnt.