No! Do not do heavy metal detox YET!
Hi Healing!
Please do not do heavy metal detoxing yet. I just got my DAMS packet yesterday and they caution that you should not get into any rush to do the detox--especially if you still have metal in your mouth. You may overload your body's capacity to deal with eliminating the excess metals that have been released and cause worsening symptoms or damage to your organs!! This is one thing that we eager beavers try and it is the wrong thing to do!
First, get rid of the source of your constant poisoning: the metals in your mouth. Then SLOWLY begin to help your body gently detox using the means that you have chosen. But only do one thing at a time to start. Then see how your body handles each thing that you do for two or three days before adding anything else (supplements). Tobi and others have posted some terrific detox protocols.
However...I would HIGHLY recommend that you begin infrared sauna treatments now, if you haven't already. They have helped me greatly (I'm no longer brain-dead), and they are recommended for lead toxicity.
Please proceed with caution. Educate yourself before proceeding with any detox.
Good luck!
Juniper Berry