Thank you. Im trying to ask myself the questions what do I want to do and what I dont want to do. I can only narrow it down to a few things so far.
I want to educate and teach people how to detox and rebuild. I think there are enought people out there who are sick that are desperate enough to do liver flushes and eat healthy. They just need guidence and motivation to overcome the fear of it. I have people here at work come to me a few days a week asking "why do I have heartburn with I take calcium" HUGE can of worms there, ha ha. Or I get "what is so bad about peanut butter everyday for protein?".... I LOVE answering those questions!!!
PS. in your book you list green peas under the non starchy vegetables. Now are you talking about the grean frozen peas in a bag? I thought those were a starchy veg like corn. And are green peas a food that they cook and freeze or is it a raw food?