The Ancient Egyptians called this realm the Field of Mfkzt, which was, apparently, where they ascended to. Considering scientists have stated that the white powder of gold resonates in an alternate (higher) dimension (fourth or even fifth perhaps) then it is surely logical that he/she who ingests the gold for a sufficient time, and in sufficient doses, can also resonate beyond the 3rd. I think that, as soon as the mental/spiritual connection is made, then one can alter one’s state; perhaps not yet to the level of transcending what we deem “reality,” but certainly to the level of an altered consciousness. Words are ultimately meaningless, but the will and intent behind the word is almost unfathomable. I do like your own description: “energetic vibrations”…
I am on my second day of Aurum Solis, while fasting of course, and have yet to experience anything approaching levitation. I do feel rather peaceful and content, as well as hopeful and dream-like, yet my lack of food may be responsible for this as I have felt something similar in the past. The effects of the powder are cumulative of course, and it is surely far too early to expect other-worldly results. What I do find odd, though, is that I feel as if I have “woken up,” which is all the more curious as I have only slept for a few hours the past two nights. I found books I had purchased well over a year ago, which I had previously been too miserable to even contemplate studying: Babylonian Magic and Sorcery, and Chaldean Magic -- browsing each book was exhilarating and I cannot imagine why I bypassed them so very long ago… I can only explain this by considering exactly how long I was “asleep” for.
Regarding the self-regression tapes: Is this a multi-volume set, much like the Dr. Christopher lectures, etc.? I shall research self-regression some time later; but for now, my mind is only on the matter at hand!