Re: This seems to make sense
>- but deny that anything but the establishment line is plausible
Well, I for one am glad that you are not talking about me. I take the best aspects of both sides of any argument.
Some, possibly you, take their information from what they read. A lot of mine comes from experience and from actual research. I do not believe anything just because someone writes it down somewhere.
>- If one where to bother reading the post in this forum you will find that more people are dying from the innoculation then from the disease!
Like I said, just because someone writes it down does not make it so. This is also true of the information published by the medical authorities.
You need to think a little. I do not know how old you are, but at least 10 percent to 20 percent of the people alive today are alive because of innoculations. Specifically, Diptheria, Pertussus, Smallpos, and Polio would kill 5 percent to 10 percent of every generation born if it were not for these vaccination. Less than 0.1 percent of people die from the
vaccinations that they receive.
I do not say this from medical statistics. I say this based on people that I know and have known in my life.
I know quite a few people and talk to a lot more. I ask them how many brothers and sisters died from these illnesses and how many died after vaccinations.
You might try the same and I tell you now that you will see a different story.
vaccinations for serious illnesses do save lives.
vaccinations for things such as influenza possibly does cost more lives than it saves.
While people post a lot of horror stories on these forums, every poster on these forums (a few exceptions I am sure) has had at least a couple of vaccinations and THEY ARE ALL STILL ALIVE!
There are about 300 Million vaccinated people in the US. There are a few hundred thousand not vaccinated.
>- to anything that cost them the loss of a sale!
Actually, we sell very little through the curezone and that is not my purpose in being here. I am here to help people to find answers to their problems and while I do suggest a zapper when I think that it can help, I suggest many things other than zappers that I do not sell. I sell zappers because I use them and they do work.
I am sorry if I offend you with my comments but the truth is that most of the people that come on these forums ranting about conspitracy theories are very young (teens and twenties), not as well educated, and relatively inexperienced in life.
These individuals seem to think that anyone who does not agree with them is part of the
Conspiracy and this is not necessarily true. My mother was born in 1920, just after the Spanish flu epidemic that killed massive numbers of people in the US and around the world. Almost every family had lost at least one member in that ourbreak and entire families died. My mother also saw the results of smallpox, diptheria, whooping cough, and polio. Smallpox was the only commonly available vaccine and many did not take it due to rumors that it might kill.
If you bothered to look at countries like Nigeria today, you can see very plainly that where vaccinations are not accepted, people are dying in large numbers.
Again, I do not base my postings or beliefs on what is written or what is presented as dogma. I base my beliefs on observation of what is real in life.