Re: AVOID getting this weeks fake panic, the bird flu?? I'll tellyou what.........
>- brainless assumption and shows how you refuse to look at the information in a rational manner!
Actually, the opposite is true. I have years of studying microbiology, virology, and immunology, none of which can I see that you have. It is not even apparant that you passed high school biology from your comments. I do not have to read the mindless junk that you count on because I was there. I worked for years as a chemist and was involved in the elimination of DDT before moving on to electronics, computers, and biomedical engineering.
Encephalitis is a biological illness of the brain usually caused by either bacteria or viri. Most of these are transmitted by mosquito bites although some are transmitted by person to person contact.
DDT does cause problems to the immune system and kills birds and frogs that eat mosquitoes, but it does not cause Encephalitis.
>- Your
Science and reasoning is light weight and sour grapes!
Actually, just the opposite is true. It is solid and built on more years of experience than you appear to be in age.