Re: AVOID scare tactics and vaccines
I just happened to catch the rebroadcast of "The Derry Brownfield Show" on GCN. Derrys' guest on this show is the owner of among other things he has been on the show about. I don't know if it is archived.
The book he is covering regarding our subject matter is "the Poisoned Needle" by Eleanor McBean. The owner is a Polio survivor from the 50's, and as he relates and the book states the vaccine kills and did kill more than the disease.
I am hoping to have abreak return where Derry says, His full name, he refers to the guy as Ben. Ben Roberts, now.
Health Research Books has an inventory of 1700, of which 700 are completely unique as to availbility, so check them out.
They are going over vaccinations, and discussing the book. The author documents the true history of death and disease that
vaccination has produced.
The scare tactics came from board members of pharmaceutical companies who controlled the 'society' and organizatinal structure that seeks to control funding and infromation regarding specific diseases, and to contol dialogue and knowledge. At that time scare tactics took their right place of knocking out the huckster in the string tie.
Its the huckster in the string tie whom we have now selling us the Swine Flu, I mean Whooping Cough, I mean, Anthrax, I mean, whatever profit center the pharmacartel is ripping us off with now, and next.
I also want to point out one other thing, these altuistic sounding pharmaceutical companies use their bribes to buy indemnificatoin from lawsuits.
Ben Roberts is now stating what he has learned from continued reading of these books, and that is what we on curezone know to be true, as well. Every maladay is related to diet, and can be cured with diet. Give the body the necessary build material and it will do the job itself.
His books are usually in the public domain, which occurs when the author(s) are dead 70 years, or the authors are Persona Non Grata anywhere else with their book's information.
I tried editting above, and my efforts don't appear sucessful.
If this one does'nt work, then go to on your own, please. I cannot understand why editting the copy off my URL address bos does'nt work.