Re: This Forum....
"As I said, I don't have a problem with people debating the issue, just the way it is set up in the title of the forum, which places a minority on the defence in that very title."
Why don't you suggest a new non-debate forum for Gay/Lesbian Marriages and Child Adoption. Maybe it can be a support group for them.
If you have a problem with the debate forum's title, ask the
Webmaster or Moderator to change it. But what would be another name for "Gay/Lesbian Marriage and Child Adoption Debate Forum" It seems to me that that title sums up the topic nicely. I don't see the problem. What, do you want to change the words around in the title, would that make feel better?? Or would rather call them something else instead of Gay/Lesbian, because as far as I know that's what the prefer to be called. Didn't you know that??? I don't understand you rant in your previous post; it seems as if you're really stressed and depressed, but then again I don't really know you. But the way you fly off the handle is like...WOW, what's his problem. A debate forum can still maintain some decency.
:) AnonymousJane_01