Re: for all to read - jesus's words
I am sure most homosexual feel its okay or that it feels right. Sometimes lieing feels right or maybe the better thing to do. We humans reason within ourselves alot instead of going with Gods reason but its just that we are by nature sinful creatures with desires that are against Gods will. Only Jesus and with the help of the Holy spirit can we live a life pleasing to God. We have to commit our lives to him and choose to either live our life the way we want to or live it the way he wants.That's part of trust. Trusting him and knowing he created us and does know what is best for us even when it doesn't feel right. I am not sure why people are gay. Many believe its a spirit that somehow got control over them either at a young age or later in life. and of course some would say its just their flesh. I would think it could be both depending on the person and circumstance. Their is a scripture that says." There is a way that seems right unto man but the end leads to death." I think that is talking about our sin nature, it feels right and sometimes its the thing that is guiding us but God wants us to be lead by his spirit, not another spirit or our flesh.I am still dying to my flesh,' Paul said you have to die daily." to it cause it wants to control you.I do know from experience that when we give into a sin that we get numb to it and it seems okay and not so bad anymore. THey call it desensitized.I found out that is true and really happens to us if we give into it.Sin by nature does feel right or at least natural. Even if you know its wrong sometimes its easier to do wrong than right. I don't condemn a soul out their who is gay. I don't look at myself as better. My goodness everyone has sinned.Sin always has consequences no matter what kind it is. I've heard it doesn't hurt anyone alot.But if God says I don't want that for you, it hurts him and many people have contacted Aids from this. No all of course but It stemmed from that in many ways! I was always taught not to go by my feelings but by what Gods word said because feelings will lie to you.I know this is true too because I use to be a very feeling kind of person and yes I still struggle sometimes with this. I feel, I feel, I feel. Sometimes the feelings may be right but alot of times they misguide us and totally go against his word. I have people pray for me all the time and I pray for people cause I know we need each other. I really like God being God, He puts us all in the same boat and says okay. I love you all the same but who will love me and keep my word. Whoever keeps my word is the one who loves me and this is the one I will reveal myself to. We are all suppose to love each other!! sometimes our daughter get so frustrated with us because she want to do something wrong ( according to Gods word) and we won't let her. TO her she is soooo right and we are stupid and shallow minded and all the above but she is going by her feelings and not using good judgement and so we try to lead her as best we can. Of course We can't change her only God can lead her to want to do it his way. Its only our place to show her the way but she has to choose to walk there. Its between her and God and sometimes letting go and letting God deal with her is not easy. We by nature want so much to take control and take the control away from God. I am sorry this is so long. I dont know if this makes any sense to you but I tried~