Terri's parents did exactly what parents do every day.They had a child with special needs.They tried to get her the therapies and help they thought would help her.There were countless specialists that were consulted.This is the life of any parent with a special-needs child.They were/are the un-oiled hinge that would not stand by to silently watch yet another door to be closed on their child.I commend her parents for the fight they put forth for Terri.I am glad they have a network of names they can provide to other families that may be in similar circumstances.There can never be too much help when it comes to someone that cannot speak for their self.Whether Terri wanted to live the life she was living or not,..none of us probably never will know for sure.I can say that she certainly had a strong-will,13 days without food and water is more than most could ever manage to live through.Regardless as to whatever your personal opinion may be,please refrain from comments such as "glob of a vegetable".I am sure there are other parents like myself with special needs children that would not appreciate those kind of remarks.You can call it greed all you want,but you are very,very wrong.