wrenn, don't be ridiculous
Everyone has right to choose how much life support or how little they want. If you want to be kept alive, no matter what, no matter how badly your brain is damaged, YOU CAN! No one wants to deny anyone the oppertunity to take as much life support as they want. Not everyone wants that. I do not want that. I do not want my husband to keep me alive if I am brain dead. I do not want to live as a vegetable; unable to eat, unabale to communicate I do not want to kept on life support. I would want a feeding tube removed if there is no chance of recovery. I would not want to wait 15 years for that to happen.
You want something different. That is fine. You are allowed to stay on life support as long as you want, if you ever need it. I'm fine with that. I don't care what you choose. Terri wanted different. She told her husband. He is doing his best to carry out the wishes his wife wanted. Her parents need closure.
Wrenn, I hope you are never in the postion to need life support. I hope you can find peace with yourself.