...The ocean of rejected writing is huge...and that isn't counting the stuff that never gets submitted.
We are pack animals, meaning that we need each other. We learn from each other. We inspire and support each other. We inform each other, and trigger new thoughts/ideas. (Which you already know. Grin.)
There is also the greatest communication system man ever invented...the grapevine.
You know the old story of a murder at midnight, with one witness. If that witness tells two, and they each tell two more, and so on...the whole world will know by morning!
And everyone needs a little extra money, right?
So...write something small and worth reading; self-publish it; and sell it for twice your costs of printing. 100% profit is a nice, round number, even when it is only $20 profit. Lots of $20 bills equals financial peace of mind.
There are snags in this procedure, of course.
What if you don't write? ...Find someone who does. There has to be at least one writer on every block. Check your neighbor's closets.
What about copyright? ...Don't use anyone else's material without written permission. Negotiate.
What if you hate 'selling'? ...That's where I come in. I found an excellent way to move tiny self-publishings, without the author needing to 'sell' them.
[ To be continued in a minute, after I check if Lapis is still looking. ]