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Amazing, Daisy!
fledgling Views: 2,192
Published: 20 y
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Amazing, Daisy!

...You hit the nail squarely on its head. Corks are popping out!

I'm a designer of do-it-yourself, seat-of-the-pants, small, at-home businesses. During a long, long apprenticeship, I'd have given a lot for one advance sign of true-blue success.

In business ownership, ya pays yer money, grits yer teeth, and takes yer chances. Most people are unaware of what it takes to actually plan, buy, and operate one.

Now that I know, I can see ways to simplify, easily, and for free...but I haven't been able to prove myself, yet.

The thing about obstacles, particularly inner ones, is focus. All you see, until you learn better, is the mountain. So, guess what you get...more MOUNTAIN!

If you are used to just ploughing onward, that's what you think you must keep you get more and more of the same.

When I first heard of muscle-testing, for example, I saw a doorway through confusion and fear, for everyone. Here was a way to judge for oneself, for certain...a way to 'know', beyond doubt, uncertain 'research', and hearsay.

In Level I Touch for Health we formed a circle and tested things for Yes and No.

Everyone was decidedly drawn forward on Yes. Except me. I nearly fell over backwards. On No, I was certainly drawn forward, while everyone else was pushed backward.

(Wait for it...) I was reversed!

Dumb as a box of rocks, I blinked a lot while the instructor quickly 'fixed' me.

I had no idea what I was 'supposed' to feel.

Later, I was the first when the instrctor ran her hands up (but not touching) my spine and over my head. Showers of sparkles flowed over my shoulders and down my arms, with every pass of her hands.

I couldn't help but cry out (softly) at the beauty of it.

After the class, she thanked me for vocalizing my feelings. Sheesh! I couldn't help it! It was real, and unmistakeable.

Later, I realized why I was 'reversed' and why my spine reacted the way it did. I had fallen on my tailbone several times, in my childhood, and as an adult. I also had a flaw in my posture which sinks my chest and curves my back. (No wonder my liver was in danger!)

I've been working on these things for a couple or three years, adding various methods as I find them. Slowly, I improve and understand. But, it's seat-of-the-pants learning. Nothing consistent.

I can't (yet) use what I've learned with any lead-pipe certainty.

I think I've been shy to step off the nice, steady dock, into the rocking boat. (He-he.)

I will, I will... Just give me a minute to brace myself.

See why I call myself,



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