Re: darkroom experience with mony vital
read mony vitals step by step account of his own Thailand 8 day dark room experience,
it is online.
darkroom stimulates the pineal gland, gets rid of death culture programing, and makes one more in tune with self and esp, tunes the biorythm to natural 13 month moon cycle etc. etc. You can do a darkroom, it is the ultimate mind clearing vacation and deprograming healing etc technique. 'You will have your inner power with you and your inner child' mony vital, Ageless Living, pg 146
they ususally have a few juices a day for non breatharians, so make all your juices in advance and take the light bulb out of your fridge, then remember where your juices are. :) :)
dark room retreat is awesome for developing pineal and sensory perceptions and most importantly, deprograming, clearing the mind of all the death culture programing tapes and reprograming a freer self. Trade in misery and fear programs for love and joy programs- m.vital. also sensory perceptions are restored and heightened in a darkroom. NaySayers on darkroom are trapped on the day to day hamster wheel grind of death culture and economic slavery, they get a permanent darkroom in death when they die early from thier stressed out death culture programed lack of self love, lack of self love for thier inner power and lack of self love for thier inner child. They love thier pets, foods and products more then they love themselves and thier own inner child, inner power and inner light. Loving yourself 100% and being with others who love themselves 100% is like receiving a great gift.
I will probably do an 8 day darkroom myself this year,liquidarian, just a few glasses of juice a day. I like theraputic techniques that cost no money, can be done by self with no guru or leader imprinting or imposing thier death culture, ulterior $$$ money making motives or selfish self benefiting mind tapes. we are all sacks of water with computer programs in our brains, it is great to be self reprograming the brain tapes during a darkroom. mony is a guide, a teacher, not a guru, same with jasmuheen, they sell no products, only instruction for self reprograming and deprograming from the death culture and reprograming into independant self love and healthy life. Mony and jas teach self mastery of self and self healing. read monys book, Ageless Living, Freedom from the Culture of Death, and you have a guide for life,(not a guide for addiction, dependance, con-trol and death culture) if you want to tap into immortality consciousness, 100% self love and freedom from the culture of death.