Re: bad news!!!
>- almost all cancer is found in a calcium deficient acidic terrain it is not necessary for it to penetrate the cell but to create an environment the cancer cell cannot exist in!
My wife tried this approach first, it helped some but definitely did not stop the cancer progression. It did help reduce some other problems though.
>- I find cesium to be the extreme form of correction and should not be promoted as a cureall without other protocal !
I agree and have stated this before. My first recommendation has always been an alkaline diet excluding
Sugar containing vegetables such as carrots and beets or even potatos. I have also strongly recommended both
Essiac tea and Green tea (5-8 cups a day) as they are both helpful.
>- I find your complete support of cesium and the attempt to disreguard the warnings and failures of this treatment negligent
I have not disregarded any warnings or failures and state very flatly that Cesium can cause serious problems but they can be avoided or alleviated with proper knowlege. Cesium should always be supplemented with potassium. Take it slowly to reduce the chance of arrythmia ( My wife experienced this and by sipping slowly over an hour or so rather that drinking it straight down the problem was eliminated ). If there are large amounts of cancer the body can be overwhelmed with byproducts of cancer necrosis (
coffee enemas and
colonics will help remove these but dialysis may be necessary ). Brain cancers present a special problem as any necrosis can induce swelling and coma presenting the highest risks of death. In the case of brain cancer, killing the cancer can kill you too. This is true no matter how you kill brain cancer if you kill it too quickly.
>- I also find it ludicrous that you think it would take several months to alkalize oneself
I am speaking from personal experience and for others who have relayed the same to me. Just because some people find it easy to alkalyze does not mean that it is easy for all. It took me 6 weeks to get to the point of being nearly normal alkalinity, including taking lime water. My pH is not completely normal yet.
My wifes pH was brought to above normal within 2 weeks after starting therapy, but this did not stop her cancer!
What did work for my wife was that the therapies that she took allowed her to live about 3 times as long as the doctors had given her.
BTW, the most effective treatment that she had was probably the full brain radiation. She never even lost her hair due to the supplements that she was taking but other effects were obvious.
The effect of the Cesium chloride on my wife was immediate and very noticible necrosis of cancer. This is documented with blood tests before and after. She had to discontinue because it was thought that the Cesium was causing other problems but within after a few days we discovered that she was given a pain killer that she was allergic to. At this point, she had suffered serious organ damage and could not recover.
I agree with you to the extent that if a person has time, they should pursue akalyzing, nutrititive therapy, oxygenation, etc but as I stated before, many only get to this forum at the very last stages of cancer and do not have time. For those who do not have time, Cesium may be their only last resort.
BTW, you might also note that it does not hurt a normal person to take cesium ( except for heart irregularities which can be avoided by taking it slowly ). A lethal dose is over a quarter pound of the stuff.
table salt in that quantity would also kill you.
As far as I can see, taking Cesium chloride can turn a 1 in 1 million chance of survival into a 500,000 in 1 million chance. The 50 percent who die will probably die anyhow, no matter what. I personally would not hesitate to to try to join the 50 percent who have a chance at survival. I also would not ignore alkalyzing and trying to restore my body to good condition.
>- and beleive you should crack the books
Perhaps something was left out of the books. Not all people are the same. Alkalyzing did not stop my wifes cancer and it has taken me a long time to get close to normal. Perhaps, it may be that I am much older than you or that my body has more abuse or perhaps that I was just more acid than you.